Mother's Day - Sunday, May 12, 2013

Your guide to this special day...

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Raising Awareness of Breast Cancer on Mother’s Day

At a specific phase in a woman’s life, it is important to maintain regular health-check ups. It can be a decisive step between life and death. Forcing mothers to attend regular check-ups and screenings is a sign that their loved ones care about them.

With Mother’s Day approaching fast, a mammogram could be the best gift. As a part of celebrating Mother’s Day, the Breast Cancer Foundation of Egypt is offering free mammograms for women over the age of 40. Under this campaign, there will be educational booths all across the country, raising awareness and distributing brochures. Women can also call in and make an appointment.

Breast cancer is a major concern in the other parts of the world as well. With this campaign in Egypt, scores of other countries have introduced similar programs for women. As a Mother’s Day gift, it would be suggestive to encourage your mother to get a mammogram or a health check-up.


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